InDesign storyboard templates
Here are storyboard templates designed for various film ratios that you can edit in Adobe InDesign (idml). Click on each template image preview to get more info. All these templates and many more are available in the Storyboards Shop, secured by Gumroad.
Scope (2.39:1)
Let’s start with 2.39:1 (scope) ratio. This template has many layout options and variations and is ideal to present film projects in a cohesive way.
InDesign Storyboard Template 2.39:1 (scope) — Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical
InDesign Storyboard Template Scope 2.39:1 Courier New 10pt DIN A4 landscape
Set in Courier, the traditional screenplay font, this template works well to present feature film projects.
2:1 (Univisium)
InDesign Storyboard Template 2:1 (18:9) or Univisium — Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 landscape
2.00:1 is a format
1.85:1 (widescreen)
InDesign Advertising Storyboard template 1.85: 1 Avenir Book 10pt on A4 vertical
InDesign storyboard template 1.85:1 aspect ratio, Courier 10pt on A4-vertical
InDesign Storyboard template 1.85:1 Courier 10 on DIN A4 landscape numbered
InDesign Japanese anime storyboard template 2:1 Avenir Book on A4 vertical
InDesign anime storyboard template 2:1 Avenir Book on A4 vertical
InDesign Japanese Anime Storyboard Template 1.85:1 Aspect Ratio on A4 Vertical
InDesign anime storyboard template 1.85:1 Avenir Book on A4-vertical
16:9 (1.77:1)
InDesign storyboard template 16:9 four frames Courier 10 A4 vertical
InDesign Storyboard Template 16:9 with set plan Courier 10pt on A4 portrait
InDesign Storyboard Template with set plan — film ratio 16:9 — Courier 10pt on A4-landscape
1.33:1 (4:3)
InDesign Storyboard Template 1.33:1 (4:3) Helvetica 10pt DIN A4 portrait numbered
Free templates for InDesign
Let’s wrap this post with two giveaway templates for InDesign:
Free InDesign Storyboard template for advertising — format 1.85:1 Univers 10pt on A4 vertical
Free InDesign storyboard template for advertising — format 1.85:1 Univers 10pt on DIN A4 landscape
Looking for something else?
Look for the many more film treatment and storyboard templates available in the shop for Adobe InDesign, Apple Keynote, Apple Pages as well as free blank PDF templates for different film ratios.
idml format is compatible with ALL InDesign versions since legacy CS4 up to the current InDesign CC 2019.
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