Apple Pages Templates for Storyboards & Presentations

With a recent update, Apple Pages (7.0) now has Masters, like Keynote.

Film Storyboards
4 min readJun 4, 2018

It cannot rival the editing scope of Adobe InDesign to produce and publish layouts. That is a given. But it is a sound solution to create beautiful documents, fast. And thanks to this improvement, it now makes sense to use it for storyboards.

With a template, you can just drop images in the placeholder frames and add notes in the formatted text boxes. Here are a few Apple Pages templates to help you design storyboard presentations in no time.

If you use Pages in your workflow and need to create a neat storyboard layout, one of these templates should help. Also, you can download Pages for free from the Apple App Store—you will find it in Productivity Apps.

Apple Pages template for 2.39:1 ratio storyboards Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical sheet

This is a storyboard template layout for 2.39:1 films that you can edit with Apple Pages.

This template is ideal to design quick storyboard layouts.

This template comes with three master pages to format your layout. First, a cover page that you can use for introduction and credits. Then, a five frames + notes or notes + five frames pages. You can number your shots and write treatment notes alongside your pictures.

2.39:1 storyboard template for Apple Pages DIN A4 vertical — cover page
2.39:1 storyboard template for Apple Pages DIN A4 vertical — 5 frames + notes
2.39:1 storyboard template for Apple Pages DIN A4 vertical — notes + 5 frames
Get this 2.39:1 storyboard template for Apple Pages DIN A4 vertical on Gumroad

Apple Pages Storyboard Template, 5 frames per sheet for 2.00:1 aspect ratio films (Univisium), Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical

Apple Pages storyboard template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio, overview
Get this 2.00:1 storyboard template for Pages on Gumroad

Apple Pages Storyboard Template, 5 frames per sheet for 1.85:1 aspect ratio films, Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical

Apple Pages storyboard template for 1.85:1 aspect ratio

Apple Pages Storyboard Template, 4 frames per sheet, for 16:9 aspect ratio, Helvetica 10pt on DIN A4 vertical

Apple Pages Storyboard Template with 4 frames per vertical DIN A4 sheet, for 16:9 aspect ratio, preview.
Apple Pages Storyboard Template, cover page preview.
Apple Pages Storyboard Template for 16:9 aspect ratio, images + notes, sample page in use.
Apple Pages Storyboard Template for 16:9 aspect ratio, notes + images, sample page in use.
Get this 16:9 storyboard template for Apple Pages on Gumroad.

Apple Pages Japanese Anime Storyboard Template for 1.85:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical

This is an anime storyboard template for DIN A4 vertical (portrait) page ready to use. You can edit the .template file in Apple Pages. Designed for widescreen storyboards, with 5 frames per sheet, each frame sets an exact 1.85:1 aspect ratio (Widescreen) space for pictures. The layout draws inspiration from the excellent Studio Ghibli storyboards.

DIN A4 vertical Japanese Anime storyboard template for 1.85:1 ratio — preview
Get this 1.85:1 Japanese anime template on Gumroad

Apple Pages Anime Storyboard Template for 1.85:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical

Apple Pages anime template for 1.85:1 aspect ratio (English version) — overview
Get this 1.85:1 anime template for Apple Pages on Gumroad.

Apple Pages Japanese Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical

Apple Pages Japanese Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio films, preview.
Apple Pages Japanese Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio films, sample preview.
Get this Apple Pages anime storyboard template for 2.00:1 ratio on Gumroad

Apple Pages Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical

Apple Pages Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical, preview
Apple Pages Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical, sample in use.
Get this Apple Pages Anime Storyboard Template for 2.00:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical from Gumroad.
Apple Pages Anime Storyboard Template for 1.33:1 aspect ratio on DIN A4 vertical, overview.
Get this Apple Pages storyboard template for 4:3 films from Gumroad

Apple Pages Storyboard Template, 4 frames per sheet for 1:1 aspect ratio, Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical

Get this Apple Pages storyboard template for 1:1 aspect ratio from Gumroad
Apple Pages storyboard template for 1:1 aspect ratio — sample in use
Get this Apple Pages storyboard template for 1:1 aspect ratio from Gumroad

Apple Pages storyboard template 3 frames per sheet for 1:1 aspect ratio Times New Roman 12pt on DIN A4 vertical

Get this three frames per page storyboard template for square images ratio from Gumroad
Apple Pages storyboard template 3 frames per sheet for 1:1 aspect ratio Times New Roman 12pt on DIN A4 vertical

All the templates are in the Apple Pages .template format. When opening a template, chose either New Document or Add to Template Chooser. The later will add the template to your theme library (“Choose a Template”) within Pages. Next time you need the template, it will be waiting there.

Pages templates only work on Mac. You need to own the font licenses for all the templates to work in the proper way.

Looking for something else? Visit for an overview of more themes and templates.

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